EYFS - 'Journeys'
Last term the topic in EYFS was 'Journeys' we read lots of stories based on this theme, here are some of our favourites: 'The Train Ride' by June Crebbin, 'The Girl Who Loved Wellies' by Zehra Hicks and the 'Naughty Bus' by Jan and Jerry Oke.
As part of this theme we travelled on our own journey to Delamere Forest! The children were so excited to explore the outdoors. The children took part in four different learning activties all based on a different story book. They made their own stick people, natural leaf art, homes for the pebble family and hug spider’s webs around the trees! Team work was very important especially to get out of the wool webs! It was a fun day despite the changeable weather, we had snow, sleet, rain and finally sunshine!