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At Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy, our intent is to deliver the National Curriculum by providing a high quality bespoke PE curriculum for all children. We provide opportunities for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential. We emphasise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting a long term, healthy lifestyle and strive to inspire our pupils through fun, engaging and accessible PE lessons. We aim to provide lessons that teach children how to co-operate and collaborate with others whilst building perseverance and resilience. Through our teaching of PE, our aim is for pupils to develop values and transferrable life skills such as fairness, respect and a joy in being physically active.


Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of skills over time; enabling children to build on prior experiences and to apply this knowledge with fluency and confidence. Children at Cledford participate in weekly high quality PE lessons and benefit from working with qualified expert coaches throughout the year. The coaches also provide expertise, knowledge and development for the staff at Cledford ensuring PE is taught effectively. We offer extra-curricular sports clubs and participate in competitive sporting events within our area. Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports and is open to child-initiated choices for these additional clubs.


Our broad and balanced curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Cledford, not only through sporting skills taught, but also through underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. We provide our children with the knowledge to make appropriate choices about their physical health and how keep themselves happy and healthy both now and into adulthood.

PE at Cledford

At Cledford, we want every child to participate fully in a variety of sports.  We want every child to develop a positive attitude to participating in sport and leading a more active life, and we want all children to enjoy sport.

Teachers and specialist coaches deliver PE lessons alongside each other at Cledford to ensure our children receive the highest quality provision.

Our PE lessons cover all areas of the National curriculum, including games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor adventure and athletics.

In Year 3, all children take part in swimming lessons, and if necessary, they are given the opportunity again in Year 6 to achieve the statutory requirements.

Events & Competitions

Throughout the year children take part in several sporting competitions and events within the Middlewich cluster; these include football, netball, rounders, cricket and athletics.

Sports Coaching

Here at Cledford, we are fortunate to have experienced qualified coaches working alongside our teachers. Sports Coaching Group offer great teaching and learning opportunities for our children, whilst providing extra CPD for our staff. Sports Coaching Group also offer a wide range of after school clubs, which our children thoroughly enjoy. It is important to us that our children have a voice, so we regularly ask the children for feedback about the clubs we provide and what they would like us to provide in the future. Some of the clubs they have chosen include archery, fencing, lacrosse, tri-golf amongst many others.

Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD