PTFA meeting dates are published in the school newsletter and are placed on the school website's calendar.
PTFA Contacts
Did you know every parent is a member of the PTFA? Did you also know it is possible to help out at PTA events without being a member of the PTFA Committee?
If you would like to volunteer to help at events (one, some or all, it’s up to you) then please contact ourselves email us at
Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy is fortunate to have a very active PTFA team. The Children, Staff and Governors are most grateful for the contribution they make to our School. This work is only possible with your help.
We are always looking for Parents, Carers or Friends to help coordinate or help out at the various events – this doesn’t involve too much so please don’t run a mile! In many cases we just need some people to help run a stall for a little while or help to set up or clear away after an event.
We would also like parents to let us know what they want from the PTFA. What sort of events are you most interested in, for example?
The PTFA is open to all and coming along to a meeting doesn't mean you need to sign up to every meeting. There are lots of little and infrequent jobs you can help with, particularly at our events.
How Can You Get More Involved?
Events and Ideas
We are always looking for new ideas or people who can help run stalls etc so maybe you can help with this – send us your ideas, the more the merrier!
We regularly send out requests for donations for cake stalls, raffles, bingo prizes and summer BBQ – if you can help in any way this would be really appreciated!
Do you have a few hours spare some weeks, maybe you could help buy food or drinks for a certain event (we give you the money for this) Many of us work so help of this nature is great! Just a few hours here and there really helps!
Do you have any contacts that might be helpful to the school PTFA, do you know any bingo callers, people with marques, any treacle toffee suppliers – any new contacts or leads would be great.
£ for £
Some places of work offer £ for £ or “employment match funding” – this is where a company will match the money raised at an event if its staff member takes part. If you work for an organization that might do this and would like to £ for £ or fund match an event we run this would be great – even if it is just for a portion of the money raised it all helps!!
We would be happy to receive ANY comments from parents on ways to improve. Please let us have your new ideas for events or other fundraising activities. All feedback is good and we will even listen to grumbles! We welcome ideas to help us plan events that people want and we would love to try your new ideas. Please contact us via the school office.