School Uniform
The Governors and staff feel that it is important for our school that the appearance of our children should be of a high standard. We would therefore like to ask you to support this aim by making sure you adhere to our uniform guidelines.
School Unform Requirements
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
Dark grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress/tailored knee length shorts
White polo shirt (no formal shirts)
Blue check summer dress (optional)
Socks must be plain in white, black or grey
Tights must be plain grey or black, woollen style only
Children should wear sensible plain black shoes (no platforms, boots, open toed or trainers)
Discrete headbands and hair bobbles etc are acceptable.
PE kit:
Plain white T-shirt
Blue shorts
Black pumps
Outdoor Trainers
Blue, black or grey tracksuits may be worn OUTDOORS ONLY in cold weather. Children will need trainers for outdoor PE sessions.
Nail polish and jewellery is not part of the school uniform and therefore should not be worn at school. A plain, stud earing is permitted but these should be removed or covered for PE.
Please appreciate that this approach is to enhance safety and security in school.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and kit are labelled with your child's name. School cannot be responisible for lost property.
Cledford's uniform may be purchased from the location below:
In store at Clever Clogs / Triffic Togs, 82 Wheelock Street, Middlewich, CW10 9AE - 01606 835712
Online via School Style, Meridian House, Road One, Winsford, CW7 3QG - 0845 643 4587
The school office are able to supply:
school bags
laundry pens
water bottles
Please order pay via Arbor.
For more information and documentation please visit the school policies page