Home School Agreement

Our school will:

provide engaging and exciting teaching and learning

provide a caring environment to enable children to be happy, safe and confident

encourage pupils’ independence and confidence

offer a programme of character education as well as academic excellence

be creative, cultural, sporting and innovative

keep a careful check of children’s progress

inform parents of children’s progress at regular meetings and through an annual written report

communicate with parents about problems and concerns, including attendance and punctuality, which may affect children’s work or behaviour

inform parents about school activities through the school website, regular newsletters, text messages and notices about special events

set and monitor homework

Parents/carers will:

make sure their child/ren attend regularly, and on time, with correct uniform and PE kit, contacting the school before 9:20am on every absence

let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect their child/ren’s work or behaviour

encourage their child/ren to follow the school’s Code of Conduct and support policy and guidelines for behaviour

support their child/ren in homework, including daily reading, and other opportunities for home learning

attend parents’ evenings to discuss their child/ren’s progress and when possible, attend special assemblies or events at school

Children will:

try their best at all times and listen to the teaching & support staff

follow instructions the first time

be kind and considerate to all their peers and adults

be gentle and not hurt others

be honest and always tell the truth

look after property and not waste or damage

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Together we will support each child’s learning to help them achieve their best.

Cledford Primary School, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD