Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy is an inclusive school that aims to provide a caring, supportive and accessible environment in which all pupils are valued equally and are given the opportunity to develop their full potential. We provide a nurturing environment and aim to fully include children with special educational needs and/or disabilities in all aspects of school life. Some children with high levels of need may follow a more personalised curriculum tailored to their individual needs. Within our school, there is a wide range of expertise, strategies and resources that enable staff to embrace our inclusive ethos. This includes provision for children with emotional, social and behavioural needs, as well as academic needs.
The SEND Team are available to talk to you if you feel that your child has any additional needs. They will work with you, the class teacher and your child and, where it is felt to be of benefit, they will approach outside agencies for further advice and support. Our aim is to work co-operatively to the benefit of each child.
To view our SEND policy please visit the School Policies page by clicking here

We offer a weekly drop-in for parents/carers to have a brief chat with our SENDCo, Mr Simpson-Wells, every Wednesday morning. Drop-ins take place in the Dane meeting room which is next to the main office between 8:45am - 9:15am. There is no appointment needed. This is an opportunity to discuss any additional needs that your child may have. If you would prefer a telephone call, from the SENDCo or your child's class teacher, or require a longer meeting please contact the school office.
Federation SENDCo: Mr Simpson-Wells
Assistant SENDCo: Miss Addis
Pastoral Manager: Mrs Plimmer
SEND Governors: Mr Powell
You can contact the SEND Team via the main school office, by calling 01606 663667 or via email at
The Local Offer from Cheshire East:
Local Authorities identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have special educational needs or disabilities. They include them in an information directory called the Local Offer.
Cheshire East's Local Offer can be accessed by clicking here
Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support (CEIAS):
The Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support team (CEIAS) offers free confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). CEIAS can be contacted by phone on 03001235166 or via email at
You can find further information on the CEIAS website by clicking here
Visyon is a Cheshire East charity that supports the emotional health of children, young people and their families. Visyon can help children find strategies that work for them to improve their mental health and wellbeing so that they feel better about themselves and the things that happen in day-to-day life. Visyon also offer support to understand and manage anxiety, manage emotions, build resilience and self-esteem, improve sleep and improve family communication. Parents and Carers can contact Visyon by phone on 01260 290000 or you can text them on 07508074748.
You can find further information on the Visyon website by clicking here
Cheshire Autism Practical Support (ChAPS) is a Cheshire East charity supporting families with Autism. They offer practical support and services across Cheshire for all families with children with Autism, whether you have a diagnosis or not. Parents and Carers can contact ChAPS by phone on 03448508607 or via email at
You can find further information on the ChAPS website by clicking here
Autism Inclusive:
Autism Inclusive offers a range of support to adults and children with Autism, those with ADHD, or any other neuro-diversity, as well as their families and carers. You do not need a formal diagnosis to access this support. They run regular support sessions for both adults and children which are attended by a range of visiting professionals who can offer advice. Regular updates about these sessions are posted on the Autism Inclusive Facebook and Instagram Pages. Autism Inclusive can be contacted through their online form or via email at
You can find further information on the Autism Inclusive website by clicking here
Ruby's Fund:
Ruby's Fund is a charity that supports children and young people, aged 0-18, with special educational needs and disabilities. They can offer support to children and families with emerging needs or any type of learning or physical disability. Ruby's Fund signpost, guide and introduce families to a like-minded support network and provide access to inclusive, fun activities. Their support includes: access to short breaks, courses and activities, sensory resources, useful information and peer-to-peer support. Ruby's Fund can be contacted through their online form or via email at
You can find further information on the Ruby's Fund website by clicking here
CLASP is a South Cheshire charity who support lone-parent families and step families. They run series of short courses to help build emotional wellbeing, top-up confidence and self-esteem, explore relationships and share parenting skills. On a more informal basis they hold 'coffee and chat' drop-in sessions providing an opportunity to share experiences with others. CLASP also offer other services such as counselling for children. CLASP can be contacted by phone on 01270 250629 or via email at
You can find further information on the CLASP website by clicking here
The National Sleep Helpline:
Good sleep hygiene is essential for our health and wellbeing. This sleep charity promotes the value of a good night's sleep and offers high quality advice and support to deal with most sleep issues. Parents and Carers can contact The National Sleep Helpline by phone on 03303530541 or via email at
You can find further information on The National Sleep Helpline website by clicking here
Young Carers:
Anyone under the age of 18 who helps to look after someone in your family who is ill, disabled or has a special educational need might qualify as a young carer and be able to receive their own support. There are various services where you can access support, activities and group work which enable the young carer to have a break.
Cheshire Young Carers offers support to young carers aged 6-18. They can be contacted by phone on 01513563176 or via email at
You can find further information on the Cheshire Young Carers website by clicking here
The Cheshire East Young Carers' Hub offers support to young carers aged 5-18. They can be contacted by phone on 03003030208, by text on 07866821609 or via email at
You can find further information on the Cheshire East Young Carers' Hub website by clicking here
Honeypot offers support to young carers aged 5-12, particularly specialising in respite breaks. They can be contacted by phone on 02076022631 or via email at
You can find further information on the Honeypot website by clicking here