English as an Additional Language (EAL)
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A pupil who has English as an additional language is a pupil whose first language is not English, and who uses that language on a regular basis inside or outside of school.
Pupils with English as an addditional language (EAL) have full access to mainstream provision regardless of their proficiency in English. Where necessary, additional support will be given to improve acquisition of English.
EAL pupils are not considered to have a special educational need, but are seen to benefit from the ability to live and learn in more than one language. Differentiated work and individual learning opportunities are provided for children who are learning EAL as part of our provision for vulnerable learners.
Admission to school: no pupil will be refused admission on the basis of ethnicity or EAL. Pupils who have EAL will be admitted under the same criteria as any other pupil applying for a place at Cledford Primary School.