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At Cledford Primary & Nursery School, we follow 'Purple Mash' as our main resource for the teaching of computing. Our learning falls into three parts as outlined below.


At Cledford Primary & Nursery School, we strive to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world through the delivery of dynamic, modern and exciting computing sessions.  Our high-quality computing curriculum is designed to enable children to use rational thinking and problem solving to aid the understanding of our world while building on wider subject knowledge. Our curriculum design has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology which builds on our vision of a ‘spiral-bound’ curriculum. We intend for our children to use information technology to write code, design and debug programmes and access a range of content – all while continually building on and improving their computing vocabulary.


Our Computing curriculum is sequential and builds on prior learning which is often revisited and reviewed. This helps our children to know more and remember more. It is comprised of three aspects: Digital Literacy, Computational Thinking and Information Technology – all of which encompass internet safety at their core.

Computing skills are taught both discretely and by a cross-curricular approach. In Reception and Key Stage 1, children are taught to use equipment and software confidently and purposefully and to communicate and handle information and to support problem solving. In Key Stage 2, our children extend their understanding of computing to advance communication, investigation and programming – with an underlying focus of navigating the internet safely in a respectful manner. This includes covering a range of issues such as anonymity, password protection, addressing negativity and reporting inappropriate behaviour.


Pupils at Cledford Primary & Nursery School are:

  • Proficient users of technology who are able to work both independently and collaboratively.

  • Equipped with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and safely.

  • Skilled at problem solving and logical thinking.

  • Driven by exciting learning opportunities which provide challenge and opportunities to investigate the wider curriculum.

Cledford Primary School, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD