Year 4 2024 - 2025
Welcome to year 4!
We have lots of exciting books to read during the spring term. Here are some of them:
For more information about what we will be learning click on the 'Knowledge Organiser' tab at the top of the year 4 page.
The teaching team:
Miss A. Platt, Mrs E. McLoughlin, Reverand J. Hassall and Mrs T. Perry.
Important things to know:
School starts at 8.45am and our day finishes at 3.15pm.
As well as reading every night, homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday.
You need to have your PE kit in school every day, however this term PE will be on a Wednesday.
Year 4: What have we been doing? items
Year 4: The arts at Cledford items
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Year 4: Coming up..... items
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