Homework and homework help
Children are expected to read 5 times per week. Diaries will be checked daily and reading totals collated every Friday. Parents should complete/sign their child’s diary after every read. Children with less than 4 signed entries per week may be asked to stay in and read. We cannot stress enough the importance of daily reading to boost fluency and comprehension skills. The termly assessments are extremely rigorous and children are expected to have a good reading stamina and extensive vocabulary. The only way to improve is to read, read and read again!
Homework will be set on a weekly basis. It will be given on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. All children are expected to complete the tasks set. Each week there will be a combination of maths, reading and spelling, punctuation and grammar to complement our learning in school.
Multiplication Times Tables Check
In June, all year 4 children in England are required to sit a statutory test which assesses their times tables knowledge. It is vital that children know all their times tables up to and including 12x12. We would be very grateful if you could ensure that your child logs into their Times Tables Rockstar account on a regular basis. If you have forgotten your login, please ask a member of the year 4 team for a reminder!