Sport & Sport Funding
At Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy we want every child to be fit and healthy.
We want every child to have the opportunity to participate in sport and PE so that they are physically confident. This is achieved through positive teaching and learning experiences at all levels and for all children.
PE and sport is led by the PE subject leader, Mrs M Giblin. PE is Mrs Giblin's subject specialism and she has a great deal of experience and expertise in the subject.
PE lessons at Cledford cover all areas of the national curriculum: games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor activities & athletics.
PE Kit
All children should have their PE kit in school every day; we try to do as much physical activity as possible at Cledford and often have PE lessons that are additional to the timetable. Pupils may also require their PE kit for drama or dance.
The children in year 3 children have the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons either at a local swimming pool or at a pool which we have installed at school for a fortnight. They are able to achieve different levels and awards. Mrs L Barnett is a fully qualified, experienced swimming teacher.
After-school Sports Clubs
We offer a variety of after-school sports clubs which everyone is encouraged to take part in.
Golden Mile
Classes regularly complete the 'Golden Mile' around the playground & fields of Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy. This is a fun way to encourage stamina and fitness amongst all the children.
Each year the school participates in several different sporting events with other local primary schools in Middlewich; these are often led by the sports leaders from Middlewich High School. The children are highly motivated and enthusiastic to represent Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy in these events.
Sport Funding
PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools receive sports funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 - 6.
For the year 2023 to 2024, the amounts payable will be:
schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils will receive £1,000 per pupil
schools with 17 or more eligible pupils will receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil
Schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities on offer to their pupils; schools are free to choose the best way to using the money. Swimming lessons cannot be funded via the sports funding due to swimming lessons being part of the national curriculum.
Examples of how to use the sports funding:
hire qualified sports coaches to work with current staff
hire specialist PE teachers
provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE & sport
support and involve children in running extended school sports clubs, holiday clubs, Change4Life clubs
run sport competitions or increase pupil participation
run sports activities with other schools and / or clubs

Sport Funding
PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools receive sports funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 - 6.
For the year 2023 to 2024, the amounts payable will be:
schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils will receive £1,000 per pupil
schools with 17 or more eligible pupils will receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil
Schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities on offer to their pupils; schools are free to choose the best way to using the money. Swimming lessons cannot be funded via the sports funding due to swimming lessons being part of the national curriculum.
Examples of how to use the sports funding:
hire qualified sports coaches to work with current staff
hire specialist PE teachers
provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE & sport
support and involve children in running extended school sports clubs, holiday clubs, Change4Life clubs
run sport competitions or increase pupil participation
run sports activities with other schools and / or clubs