Year 1 2023 - 2024

Welcome to year 1!


This half term we will be continuing to explore our school’s natural environment in science. We will learn how to identify trees that are growing in our outdoor area and identify whether a tree is including deciduous and evergreen trees. This will involve lots of outdoor learning, please ensure your child has an appropriate coat with them for all weathers. This will link to our Geography work as we will be using fieldwork to discover human and physical features in Middlewich.


In English we will be reading the story ‘Kate Who Tamed the Wind’ which has inspired our D&T project to create our own windmills. We will be writing a set of instruction as we create our windmills. In English we will also be writing a letter to our Year 2 class teacher to introduce ourselves and tell them about our interests and hobbies.


tamed the wind.jpg


In P.E we will be focusing on striking and fielding. P.E this half term will be outdoors and will take place on a Friday afternoon.


For more information about what we will be learning click on the 'Knowledge Organiser' tab. Further information can also be found on the Curriculum area of this website.




The teaching team:


Miss Addis (Class 3), Mrs Giblin  (class 4)


Mrs Thompson, Mrs Knowles, Mrs Smith



Important things to know:

School starts at 8.40am and our day finishes at 3.10pm.

As well as reading every night, homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday. For help with your homework click on the 'Homework and homework help' tab or follow this link. 

You need to have your PE kit in school every day.


Year 1: The arts at Cledford items

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Year 1: Coming up..... items

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Cledford Primary School, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD