Class 5 - Fox Howl

24.05.22 4pm Class 5 were joined by Class 4 at Fox Howl today! Class 5 children are all home safely after having a great adventure.

24.05.22 9:30am After a good breakfast the children are all off 'den building'.

24.05.22 7am Everyone has had a good sleep! The girls were awake before the boys.

23.05.22 7:30pm The children have all had tea and are now sat by the campfire toasting marshmallows.

23.05.22 12:30pm Everyone is having lunch outside, next to the play area. The children are all very happy and enjoying their time.

23.05.22 9:45am  Class 5, Y2 (children and staff), were very excited as they left to go to Fox Howl! More updates as we receive them!

Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD