Governor Profiles

More governor profiles and images coming soon...

Jane Booth - Federation Headteacher

I have been teaching since 1984, beginning my career within the Manchester Local Authority, in Wythenshawe. I achieved the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 2005, and have been a headteacher for 9 years. Cledford is my second headship.
I am incredibly passionate about children reaching their full potential and meet with staff every 6 weeks to discuss every child's progress; a reading specialist and keen to ensure that every child has the opportunity to become an effective reader as quickly as possible when they join Cledford Primary School. I strongly believe in the value of exercise and using the outdoors for improved learning as well as the health and well-being benefits. 

Kevin Froggatt - Vice chair of Governing Board - Co-opted Governor

I am pleased to be asked and able to be involved, as Local Authority Governor, with two great schools in the exciting formal continuation of the supportive relationship, which has developed since Spring 2014. I have had a long association with Gainsborough Primary and Nursery originally, pre-retirement, as a Creative Arts Teacher, Pastoral and Primary Liaison Tutor and then as a governor. I joined governance as a means to develop a better knowledge of the education system beyond that of the classroom and to influence local education and do what I could to improve the provision, opportunities and experience for children and staff.

I have held various roles in governance including Teacher Governor at my own school. I was a Co-opted governor at Gainsborough for over fifteen years and the Chair of Gainsborough for ten. While in this role I developed positive and supportive working relationships with Cledford Primary governors. Both schools in the Federation have distinct identities but both have much in common sharing a strong sense of ‘Family’ and the same values and aims in securing the best they can for pupils in a caring and supportive environment.

Matthew Powell - Co-opted Governor

I am the proud father of Lilly in Year 3 at Cledford and Kathryn who will be starting in Reception in September. I have recently been co-opted as a governor. I am looking forwards to contributing to the governing board to for both schools. My hobbies include cinema, watching football and spending time with my family and two dogs.

Barrie Richards

I was invited to join the Governing board after stepping down as a governor at another school.  I work as a social worker at Cheshire East Council, having lots of experience, it was felt that I could help Gainsborough.  The school has a great ethos and is a good environment for learning and for children and staff to achieve their goals and build on their achievement.  I have two grandchildren at Gainsborough and in my spare time I am a DJ and children's entertainer and support Crewe Alex Football Club. I'm married and have an elderly cat called 'Jazz'.

Julie Sercombe - Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor

I am currently our Federation Chair of Governors and am very proud to be associated with two wonderful schools. I have been a Governor for 21 years and have held various offices and Link roles. I’m currently acting as Link Governor for English, Pupil Premium and Cared for Children. My health background (I’m currently employed as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in General Practice) supports my interest in special educational needs and I have been a respite foster carer for a child with autism and attachment disorder. I’m passionate about children accessing an education that meets their own individual needs so they can achieve their very best. We have a highly skilled workforce and a committed Governing Board to ensure that our children are provided with the teaching and support they deserve.

Cledford Primary & Nursery Academy, George VI Ave, Middlewich, CW10 0DD